Demonstration by “Combatants for Peace” against police investigations of anti-occupation activists near the house of Justice Minister Ayelet Shake in Tel Aviv on Sunday, June 25

Human Rights Organizations Support “Breaking the Silence”

Eighteen Israeli peace and human rights organizations have issued a joint statement in which they express their solidarity with the the NGO “Breaking the Silence” after the organization’s spokesperson was interrogated by police last week. The signatories included Amnesty Israel, B’Tselem, Combatants for Peace, Standing Together and Peace Now. “We stand with our friends in…

Protestors demonstrating at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem last week against the proposed "ethics code"; another protest was held at Tel Aviv University. The signs read: “Against the forced shutting of mouths.”

Students and Lecturers Blast Proposed “Ethics Code” as an Undermining of Academic Freedom

The umbrella organization of the heads of Israel’s universities and colleges, the lecturers unions and the National Union of Students has blasted a new “ethics code” formulated at the behest of the Education Ministry that is expected to bar professors from voicing their political opinions in classrooms. Far right and pro-settler Education Minister Naftali Bennett…

Hadash MKs Dov Khenin (center in red shirt), Ayman Odeh (to Khenin’s right), and Aida Touma-Sliman (far right) along with the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel Adel Amer and leading CPI activist Mohammed Barakeh (third and second from the right, respectively) during the May Day march in Nazareth, last Saturday, April 29

Thousands Take Part in Hadash’s May Day March in Nazareth

A crowd of thousands, Arabs and Jews, gathered in Nazareth on Saturday morning, April 29, to take part in the city’s annual May Day march. As well as marking International Workers’ Day, the demonstrators marched against the occupation and the government’s repression of Palestinians and the neo-liberal social and economic policies of Netanyahu’s far-right government.…