Demonstrators march in occupied East Jerusalem to protest the eviction of the Palestinian Sabbagh family from its home in Sheikh Jarrah.

Development Agencies to Israel: Transfer Violates International Law

The Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA), a coalition consisting of more than 80 international organizations working in the occupied Palestinian territory, has said that the transfer of a population, whether by force or not, violates international law, including the international humanitarian law. AIDA’s remark was in reaction to Israeli government plans to evict the…

Hundreds of activists marched from West Jerusalem to the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah to stop the eviction of Palestinian families, January 18, 2018.

Hundreds Protest New Evictions in Occupied East Jerusalem

Hundreds of Israeli peace activists, among them members of Hadash, marched from central West Jerusalem to Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, on Friday, January 18, in solidarity with the families there who Israeli authorities want to evict.   In late November, Israel’s Supreme Court rejected the Sabag and Hamad families’ appeals…

Hebrew University of Jerusalem students demonstrate against the eviction of Palestinian residents from their homes.

Sunday: Solidarity Demonstration with East Jerusalem Palestinians Threatened with Home Evictions

A demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem threatened with eviction orders will be held tomorrow, Sunday, December 9. The group of peace activists organizing the demonstration has written: “This Hanukkah we shall drive away the darkness, not Palestinian families from their homes. Together we will resist home demolitions! We say no…