ANC strongly condemned the Israeli state-sponsored attacks and deportation of Africans

South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), endorsed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel on Thursday. Adopted a series of resolutions against the occupation policy of Israel at its 53rd National Conference, the ANC adopted policies urging South Africans to support any Palestinian campaigns that “pressure Israel to end its…

Racists torched Jerusalem building with 50 migrants

A Jerusalem apartment housing Eritrean migrants was torched by racists overnight, on Monday. Firefighters rescued 10 people, four of whom needed medical attention. They were rushed to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in the city. The Fire Department said that their initial investigation indicated arson. Investigators also found the words “Get out of the neighborhood” sprayed…

Right-wing MKs incited to racist violence

MKs Miri Regev, Danny Danon, Yariv Levin (Likud) and Michael Ben-Ari (National Unity) attended a racist demonstration against African migrants and refuges held in south Tel Aviv’s Hatikva neighborhood, last Wednesday. MK Regev, formerly the Israeli army spokeswoman, is a member of the Israeli parliament from the governmental and right-wing Likud Party, told protesters during…

Netanyahu’s newspaper supports attack on Iran

In an uncommon front-page, top-headline editorial, Amos Regev, the editor of daily “Israel Hayom” (Israel today), discusses the decision regarding an Israel military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Regev, a member of Binyamin Netanyahu’s inner circle between his two terms as Prime Minister, attacks those speaking against the war, and concludes that “Yes, it’s possible to…

Housing protest all over the country: ‘Rage week’ started

Hundreds of people remained in nearly 40 tents at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square on Saturday to protest skyrocketing housing prices. Organizers of the protest, now entering its third day, said Israel’s government has forsaken the people. Thousands of residents visited the peaceful rally site Friday night, showing their support and cheering on the protesters, activists…