A British soldier guarding the fenced off Tel Aviv central bus station during a curfew imposed under martial law in 1947. Israel’s new Terror Law is based on imperialist British Mandatory emergency statutes in Palestine.

Knesset Enacts Totalitarian Terror Bill; Extends Racist “Citizenship and Entry into Israel” Provision

A broadly-inclusive, far-reaching law codifying the right-wing government’s attack on democracy was approved by a Knesset vote of 57-16 on Wednesday evening, June 15, following six years of negotiations and review by the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. The bill, which applies only to Israel and not to the occupied Palestinian West Bank, will…

MK Ayman Odeh, last week

Gov’t to Place Conditions on Aid Package for Arab National Minority

Channel 2 News reported Monday night, January 4, that in the wake of last Friday’s terror attack in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering withholding funds earmarked for Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel unless they accept new measures for “increased law enforcement.” According to the report, the prime minister instructed government ministers Ze’ev Elkin…

Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen

Israeli Ministers Nix Bill to Improve Arab Schools

The Knesset’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation voted Sunday, July 5, to oppose a bill by the Joint List that calls for expanding the goals of the public education law to include goals specifically intended to improve the Arab school system. “The law that regulates public education in Israel defines the public education system exclusively in…