Notices of the work stoppage were posted on embassy and consulate websites worldwide (Photo: The Embassy of Israel to the United States)

Israel’s diplomats go on strike

Workers at the Foreign Ministry initiated a harsh new round of labor sanctions, potentially jeopardizing visits of foreign dignitaries and planned trips abroad by Israeli officials. The strike, which has also temporarily suspended all consular services to Israelis abroad, came after months-long talks with the Finance Ministry broke down earlier in the week. If no…

Communist Palestine envoy says Beijing backs UN entry

President Mahmoud Abbas’ envoy to China said on Friday that Beijing backs their United Nations membership bid.  General Secretary of the Palestinian People’s Party, Bassam al-Salhi, was in China on a three-day trip to discuss Israeli attack in Gaza, echoed earlier calls from China’s Foreign Ministry that Beijing would support Palestinian statehood and its entry…

MK Khenin: Israel prefers settlements over human rights

Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements. The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel’s ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore phone…

Once again: the Israeli government against MK Barakeh

The Foreign Ministry files an official grievance against Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) Chairman MK Mohammad Barakeh on Tuesday, alleging that “he traveled on an official visit to Poland on behalf of the Palestinian Authority”. The complaint said that Barakeh traveled on behalf of the PA on…