“Neither a clerk nor a tank soldier, but rather a refuser and feminist” - placard at a demonstration organized by Messarvot

Leftist and Ultra-Orthodox MKs Join Forces against Conscription

The latest guidelines for conscription of ultra-Orthodox Israelis, presented by far-right Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has reignited debate on the issue of compulsory military service. But while Zionist politicians are divided over the existing law and compromise proposals, Knesset members from four disparate parties have joined forces to promote legislation ending military conscription altogether. Knesset member Dov Khenin…

Under the proposed legislation, taking or distributing photos like this would be a crime punishable by 5 or 10 years of imprisonment.

Government Plans to Jail Anyone Documenting Soldiers in Occupied West Bank or along Gaza Border

Israel’s far-right government and coalition is advancing an anti-democratic law that would ban the photographing or videoing of soldiers “carrying out their duties” in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Despite reservations by Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, who considers the legislation problematic from a constitutional point of view, on Sunday, June 17, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation…

A moment from the alternative Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony held last year in Tel Aviv

110 Palestinians to Be Barred from Alternative Memorial Day Event

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced Tuesday, April 10, that Israel will deny entry permits to 110 Palestinians who were planning to participate in the annual Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony next Tuesday, April 17. Liberman called the alternative Memorial Day ceremony, organized jointly by Combatants for Peace and the Bereaved Families Forum, a “show of poor taste and…

President Reuven Rivlin met Tuesday afternoon at his residence in Jerusalem with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, following the cancelation of the latter’s meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu

Human Rights Groups after Their Meeting with the German FM: We Don’t Take Orders from Netanyahu

Far-right Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a scheduled meeting with Germany’s Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Tuesday, April 25, after Gabriel planned meetings with representatives of Israeli human rights groups Breaking the Silence and B’Tselem. Netanyahu’s action is yet another manifestation of the continued rising intolerance in the Israeli government for any criticism targeting…