Part of the procession of the 18th annual “March of Return" to the site of the village of al-Haditha, near Tiberias, April 23, 2015.

Arab-Palestinians March in Israel to Mark the Nakba

Thousands of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel marched in protest on Thursday, April 23, the public holiday marking the 67th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel. Israel’s statehood was declared on May 14, 1948, hours before the end of the British Mandate on Palestine. However, the anniversary of the state’s founding is celebrated…

Hadash MK Dr. Yousef Jabareen (Joint List) with his wife in the Knesset on the day all lawmakers were sworn-in, March 31, 2015.

New Hadash MK: Israel Discriminates against Arabs

New Knesset member Yousef Jabareen from Hadash (No. 10 on the Joint List), who has a doctorate in law and specializes in human and minority rights, was until recently a senior lecturer at Haifa University. In his first interview with the Al-Monitor website, which appears below, Jabareen said that in no other country in the…

Netanyahu supported by settlers, Baruch Marzel and Daniella Weiss, leaders of the extreme-right (Photomontage: Peace Now)

Black Flag over Netanyahu’s Reelection

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “greatness” derives from how he has managed to break the Jewish Israeli public’s internal code, namely fear. In racist Europe, the fear threatening the Jewish minority was painfully justified in the face of innumerable pogroms, and above all, the shock of the Holocaust. Netanyahu has known how to use this fear…