Report: Jan−Feb 2018, Israel Detained 1,319 Palestinians

During January and February 2018, Israeli Occupation Forces arrested 1,319 Palestinians from the occupied Palestinian territories, including 274 children, 23 women and 4 journalists. These figures appear in a report released last week following its joint preparation by four Palestinian NGOs: the Prisoners and Liberties Affairs Association, the Palestinian Prisoner Club, the Addameer Prisoner Support…

MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash – Joint List) during the debate on Israel’s 2019 budget in the Knesset plenum

Joint List Votes against Israel’s Militarized & Neo-Liberal Budget

The Joint List has rejected the government’s proposed general state budget for 2019. During a plenum debate in the Knesset Communist MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash – Joint List) argued that the budget prepared by the government is designed to reinforce the occupation, intensify settlement construction, deepen discrimination and prejudice against the state’s Arab citizens, and…