Government aims to reduce public housing supply

Housing Minister Uri Ariel on Sunday said that the Housing and Finance ministries aim to significantly reduce the supply of public housing. Earlier Sunday, the Knesset’s Lobby for Public Housing asked the chairman of the Knesset’s Economic Affairs Committee, Avishay Braverman, to convene an urgent meeting saying the proposed measure would lead to “a drastic…

Int’l expert: Israel should agree to nuclear disarmament for its own sake

Israel should agree to nuclear disarmament for its own sake, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War co-president Dr. Ira Helfand told the Knesset duringthe Israeli Disarmament Movement’s first-ever conference in the legislature. Several coalition and opposition MKs spoke out against nuclear weapons at the conference with the leader of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning…

Protests against gas exports

Hundreds protested in Tel Aviv against the neo-liberal government’s decision to export 40% of Israel’s natural gas reserves. Protesters blocked Ibn Gavirol Avenue and King George Street and waved signs reading: “Don’t give gas to the tycoons” and “Gas exports = national suicide.” Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the decision to export…

Lapid booed by thousands at Tel-Aviv Pride Parade

Thousands gathered at Tel Aviv’s annual gay pride parade greeted Finance Minister Yair Lapid with boos, chanting, “There is no future with Bibi and Lapid!” in a reference to Lapid’s party name, Yesh Atid, that means “There is a future.” Lapid was interrupted by thousands of yells and cries as he tried to speak. When…

Israeli army to release occupation objector Natan Blanc

The Israel Defense Forces Exemption Committee on Thursday declared Israeli occupation objector Natan Blanc unfit for duty, six months after he reported to the recruit bureau and announced his refusal to enlist. Upon his release, Blanc will have served a total of 178 days in jail in several consecutive stints. Blanc said several months ago. “I…