demHadash against referendum bill

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to bring in the referendum bill for a cabinet vote on Sunday, and then submit it to the Knesset for a preliminary vote on Wednesday before the parliament disbands for summer recess. The bill stipulates that, if an agreement that is reached with the Palestinians calls for Israeli withdrawal from…

Theater solidarity event with Paletinian El-Hakawati in Jaffa

Hundreds participated at Mahsan 2 at Jaffa Port on Saturday night, with dozens of attendees standing in the side and rear wings of the theater, for a night of entertainment in solidarity with the Palestinian National Theater El-Hakawati and its executive director Mohammad Halayka. Artists, actors, musicians, human rights activists and MKs will take part…

Reduced fees for civil suits following sexual assault

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni announced, Sunday, quick moves to reduce the fees for filing civil suits growing out of sexual assaults. The announcement followed discussion of legislation on the subject, proposed by Member of Knesset Dov Khenin (Hadash). MK Khenin welcomed the decision, noting: “Studies show the fees are a significant economic barrier which joins other barriers…

Gay student anti-discrimination bill advances

A bill prohibiting discrimination against elementary and high school students based on sexual orientation, identity or gender was approved in a preliminary Knesset vote on Wednesday. The legislation, proposed by MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), has government support and is meant to prevent social, verbal and physical harm to LGTB youth. “We are taking an important…

Israeli shuts down Palestinian children’s theater festival in occupied East Jerusalem

The 19th annual Palestinian children’s theater festival in the East Jerusalem theater of Al-Hakwati, was due to open on Saturday, June 22nd, but was  canceled under a special warrant issued by Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch. The festival organizers protested the shutting down of the highly-anticipated eight-day long cultural event, which was  scheduled to feature Palestinian,…

The seventh annual Marx Conference in Tel-Aviv

The sixth annual Marx Conference, devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism” took place in Tel Aviv on May 2012 under the auspices of Hagada Hasmalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 25 panelists, approximately three hundred people participated in the meetings and discussions. Summaries of lectures were published in…