A Hadash banner in Hebrew and Arabic: "Equality" (Activestills)

Demonstrators march in Tel Aviv against Prawer Plan

Thousands marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night in protest of the Prawer Plan. Alongside Tel Aviv residents, demonstrators were bused in from Arab villages and cities in the Galilee and the Negev to gather in Habima Square. Most of the demonstrators were affiliated with Hadash, a few with Meretz and many more…

Palestinian flag flew in the Knesset

The Palestinian flag flew in the Israeli Knesset on last Wednesday as several senior Palestinian Authority representatives came to visit more than 30 Israeli ministers and MKs. The visit was organized by the Knesset Lobby for the Promotion of a Solution to the Israeli-Arab Conflict, led by MK Hilik Bar (Labor), and by the OneVoice…