Demonstrators in Tel Aviv march against US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century," last night, Saturday, February 1, in Central Tel Aviv. Second from right, Communist Party of Israel Secretary General, Adel Amer; third from right Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint List). (Photo: Zu Haderech Weekly)

Protests against Trump Plan in the Galilee, Arab Triangle and Tel Aviv

Thousands of Jews and Arabs protested in central Tel Aviv, last night (Saturday, February 1), against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” The demonstrators gathered in Dizengoff Square and marched from there to Ibn Gvirol Avenue. Following the procession, a rally was held where speakers included Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman, Darwish Rabi (Hadash)…

"Because of the Joint List, I have no immunity"

Netanyahu Indicted after Dropping Request for Immunity from Knesset

Israel’s attorney general filed three indictments on Tuesday, January 28, against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charging him in a triad of corruption cases, only hours after the far-right leader withdrew his request for a parliamentary vote to grant him immunity from prosecution. The Knesset was widely expected to reject Netanyahu’s immunity request, which would have dealt…

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump confer at Ben Gurion International Airport prior to the latter's departure from Israel on May 23, 2017.

Netanyahu’s Right-Wing Bloc to Boycott Knesset Vote on Immunity

The Knesset is expected to vote today (Tuesday, January 28) to convene a legislative committee to discuss far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s immunity application. In November, Netanyahu was charged with fraud, bribery and breach of trust in three cases. The Knesset’s plenum discussion will take place while Netanyahu is in Washington for the unveiling of…

Palestinians and Israelis protest against the occupation in the West Bank, March 2018

Bennett Directs Banning of Peace Activists from Occupied West Bank

According to a directive issued Saturday night, January 18, by far-right Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, from now on the Israeli military can make use of wholesale administrative restraining orders to ban Israeli peace activists from entering the occupied West Bank. This marks the first time the Defense Ministry has determined that blanket injunctions can be used…

Pupils demonstrate against Rabbi Rafi Peretz's homophobic and racist remarks, last Sunday, January 12, at Blich High School in Ramat-Gan.

Education Head Stuns with Latest Homophobic and Racist Remarks

Schools, teachers’ unions, social movements, LGTB organizations and mayors throughout the country reacted with shock after the Minister of Education, far-right and messianic Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) leader Rabbi Rafi Peretz, again publicly made racist and homophobic remarks. In an interview published in Yediot Aharonot last Friday, January 10, Peretz said a normative family is…