An activist from Ta'ayush being evacuated to hospital after the brutal attack by settlers at the Mitzpe Yair outpost, Saturday, August 25, 2018

Demonstration in South Hebron Hills after Settlers Attack Activists

A demonstration against the occupation of the Palestinian territories will be held today, Friday, August 31, in the South Hebron Hills. The protest was called after settlers from the area brutally attacked Israeli activists belonging to the peace group Ta’ayush last weekend. The activists were documenting illegal construction in the unauthorized Jewish outpost of Mitzpe Yair. The activists…

Joint Palestinian-Israeli solidarity olive harvest near Al-Walaja in the occupied territories

Settlers Attack Palestinians Harvesting Olives near Hebron

Israeli settlers reportedly attacked a group of Palestinian olive pickers on Friday, October 27, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron, according to the official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned Wafa news agency. Wafa reported that settlers from the settlement of Maon, built illegally on land belonging to the nearby town of Yatta, physically assaulted…