One of the protestors attacked by fascists as he and hundreds of others demonstrated in Tel Aviv late Tuesday evening, July 28, against PM Netanyahu, Public Security Minister Amir Ohana, and police brutality

Fascists Attack Activists Decrying Police Brutality & Security Minister

Several far-right hooligans violently attacked protesters late Tuesday, July 28, as they demonstrated outside the Tel Aviv home of Public Security Minister Amir Ohana who had been exposed pressuring police brass to step up repression of demonstrators against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. At the same time, hundreds of protestors continued the campaign outside Netanyahu’s official residence in…

Demonstrators from the "Crime Minister" movement block the entrance to the offices of Israel's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, the venue of the weekly cabinet meeting, Sunday, June 7. The banner paraphrases a passage from a Jewish High Holiday prayer that speaks about "removing evil government" from the world.

Anti-Corona Law Protesters Block Entrance to Weekly Cabinet Forum

Pro-democracy demonstrators from the “Crime Minister” group sat down and blocked the entrance to the headquarters of Israel’s Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem on Sunday morning, June 7, prior to and during the cabinet’s weekly meeting. The protesters formed a human chain to protest the proposed “Corona Bill” and far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of…

Demonstrators block the intersection of Ibn Gabirol Street and King David Boulevard, adjacent to Rabin Square in central Tel Aviv, Thursday evening, June 4. Police forcibly cleared the road while arresting 12 persons.

12 Demonstrators Arrested during TA Protest against “Corona Bill”

Hundreds protested in Tel Aviv on Thursday evening, June 4, against a bill that would introduce sweeping emergency regulations purportedly aimed at tackling the coronavirus pandemic. The protesters railed against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of using the pandemic to advance legislation for his own political interests. The protesters also called on the public…