Masses Protest in Tel Aviv against Gov’t’s Neoliberal Economic Policy

Many thousands of demonstrators, estimates range between 10-30,000, descended on Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, July 11, to noisily protest the Israeli far-right government’s ineffectual handling of the economic crisis caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in particular the inadequate financial aid being offered to the unemployed, small business owners and independent professionals.…

Palestinian TV crew members display orders issued by the Israeli police to report for questioning by law enforcement officers, June 3, 2020.

May: Israel Commits 27 Violations against Palestinian Media Workers

The Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA) reported on Sunday, June 7, that during the month of May it documented 27 violations committed by Israeli occupation forces against journalists and media institutions working in the occupied Palestinian territories. WAFA indicated that these violations by Israel against journalists included the firing of live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets and…