Under the banner “Human Rights are Not Terror,” Hadash and Communist activists protested outside the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, October 26, against Israel’s decision to designate six Palestinian human rights and civil organizations as terrorist groups.

MESA Endorses AFE Statement in Support of Palestinian Civil Society

The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) endorsed last week a statement issued earlier by the Israeli Academy for Equality (AFE) on Palestinian civil society organizations.  In its statement, Academy for Equality had condemned Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s designation of Palestinian civil society groups late last month as “terrorist organizations.” Under the…

An occupation soldier stands guard over Israeli settlers after they invaded a playground in the Palestinian hamlet of Susya in the West Bank's South Hebron Hills, chasing off the village's children, Saturday, November 6, 2021.

Uptick in Attacks by Settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Nearly two dozen cars in the Ramallah-area Palestinian town of El-Bireh were vandalized overnight into Tuesday, November 9, in an anti-Palestinian hate crime perpetrated by Israeli settlers. Vehicles were daubed with the Hebrew phrase “price tag” — a slogan used by extremist settlers to describe attacks on Palestinians purportedly made in reprisal for some  damage incurred…

Al-Jalaa Tower in Gaza, which housed international media offices, only seconds before it was entirely toppled by an Israeli air strike on May 15, 2021

Palestinian Journalists to Complain to ICC against Targeting by Israel

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), and international rights groups are preparing to lodge a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Israel over the latter’s “systematic targeting” of Palestinian journalists in Gaza, the IFJ has announced in a press release. Al-Jalaa Tower in Gaza, which housed international media…

Under the banner "Human Rights are Not Terror," Hadash and Communist activists protested outside the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, October 26, against Israel's decision to designate 6 Palestinian human rights and civil organizations as terrorist groups. Among protesters is Adel Amer, second from left, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Israel.

Joint List Meets with 6 Palestinian NGOs Defined “Terrorist” by Israel; Hadash Stages Protest in Tel Aviv

Lawmakers from the Joint List and leading members of Hadash were in Ramallah Tuesday night, October 26, to meet with representatives of the six Palestinian human rights and civil society groups that the Israeli government designated last week as “terrorist organizations.” While this meeting was being held, Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) activists staged…

Union of Agricultural Work Committees activists during the olive harvest in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The white banner reads: "The volunteer campaign for harvesting olives – We will defend our land… We will support our farmers."

Hadash Denounces Israel’s Assault on 6 Palestinian HR & CS Groups

The decision last Friday, October 22, by the Israeli Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, to label six Palestinian human rights (HR) and civil society (CS) groups as “terror organizations” has elicited a swift and fierce backlash slamming the move from Palestinians, Hadash, international organizations and US politicians. Union of Agricultural Work Committees activists during the…

NGOs: Israel’s Development of E1 Zone Will Thwart Palestinian State

The construction of 3,500 settler homes in E1 zone between Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley is designed to thwart Palestinian state, architect Uri Reicher testified this week at the Higher Planning Council of the Israeli occupation Civil Administration hearing on the project. “Israeli construction on E1 harms Palestine’s future growth potential and therefore closes the…