An activist arrested by a police officer during a protest in New York City against occupation of the Palestinian territories

23 Young Jews Arrested in Anti- Occupation Protests across USA

Twenty-three young American Jews were arrested over the past week in a series of anti-occupation demonstrations across the United States. The protests, which took place in major American cities ahead of the weekend’s Passover holiday, brought out over 500 members of the Jewish anti-occupation collective, IfNotNow. Demonstrators used civil disobedience to push major American Jewish…

MK Herzog and PM Netanyahu

Communist Weekly: Herzog “Playing into Netanyahu’s Hands”

Zionist Union leader MK Isaac Herzog met on Friday, January 22, at the Elysée Palace with French President François Hollande and Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, presenting his new diplomatic plan for Israel’s separation from Palestinian villages surrounding Jerusalem. The meeting in Paris took place on the backdrop of a French Foreign Ministry statement released on…

Thousands march in the rally in Nazareth on Saturday, October 10. Among the marchers were all MKs of Hadash: Joint List chairman Aymen Odeh, Dov Khenin, Aida Touma-Sliman, Yousef Jabareen and Abdallah Abu Ma'aruf.

Thousands Rally in Nazareth vs. Occupation & for an Independent Palestinian State alongside Israel

Thousands demonstrated in Nazareth on Saturday afternoon, October 10, while Palestinian protests continued throughout the West Bank, around Jerusalem, and along the border of the Gaza Strip. In Nazareth, Arabs and Jews took part in a demonstration organized by the Jewish-Arab Hadash front and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI). The protest was called to…

Palestinians mourners demonstrate during the funeral of Ahmad Khatatbeh, 26, who died from his wounds after being shot three times in the shoulder, chest and abdomen by Israeli forces at the Beit Furik military checkpoint in the district of Nablus, the West Bank, last Friday, September 25, 2015.

CPI and Hadash: No to the Status Quo of Occupation!

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash released a statement over the weekend, in which they justify the claims of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu-Mazen), President of the Palestinian Authority when, in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week, he blamed the Netanyahu government for escalating its crimes related to…

President Mahmoud Abbas addresses UN General Assembly, September 30, 2015. (Photo: AP)

Abbas: Palestine No Longer Bound by Agreements with Israel

President Mahmoud Abbas told the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, September 30,  that the Palestinian Authority will not remain committed to agreements with Israel, referring to the Oslo Accords of 1993, while violations take place on a daily basis. Abbas told the General Assembly that Israel’s refusal to commit to past agreements and release Palestinian…

Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas Meets with Joint List Delegation in Ramallah

For the first time since last week’s election and just days before the swearing in of the 20th Knesset, the leaders of the Joint List, including its head, Ayman Odeh (Hadash), met in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Tuesday evening, March 24. In addition to Odeh, the delegation included Masoud…