Red flags aloft in Jerusalem's Paris Square Saturday night, August 1, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose resignation the protestors called for.

Police Break Up Largest Anti-Gov’t Rally Yet in Jerusalem, Detain 12

Police attacked activists thronging the streets outside the Prime Minister’s official residence in Jerusalem at 1 am Sunday’s morning, using force to disperse several hundred protestors who refused to leave the site. Twelve were detained. An estimated 15,000 people had packed Jerusalem’s Paris Square Saturday night to call for far-right Benjamin Netanyahu’s resignation, in the largest-yet…

One of the protestors attacked by fascists as he and hundreds of others demonstrated in Tel Aviv late Tuesday evening, July 28, against PM Netanyahu, Public Security Minister Amir Ohana, and police brutality

Fascists Attack Activists Decrying Police Brutality & Security Minister

Several far-right hooligans violently attacked protesters late Tuesday, July 28, as they demonstrated outside the Tel Aviv home of Public Security Minister Amir Ohana who had been exposed pressuring police brass to step up repression of demonstrators against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. At the same time, hundreds of protestors continued the campaign outside Netanyahu’s official residence in…

Thousands of Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris Square near his official residence in Jerusalem, Saturday July 18. The red Hadash placard in the foreground reads: "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Dozens Arrested as Anti-Netanyahu Protests Rock Jerusalem & Tel Aviv

Thousands took part in protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his neoliberal government’s confused and inconsistent response to the coronavirus throughout Israel Saturday evening, July 18, including the two largest demonstrations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In both cities, 4-figure protests initially began in areas designated by police but later spilled over into the…