Nurses’ strike enters day 11

Two-day truce was called in the nurses’ strike on Wednesday, as the strike was poised to enter its 11th day. “We decided on a two-day truce to help the hospitals, and in good faith end the crisis as fast as possible. I hope that once it ends there will be intensive, real negotiations and a…

Hadash support the nurses’ strike

Nurses across Israel have launched a general strike on Monday after negotiations over their employment terms reached an impasse. The healthcare professionals claim that the agreement that they had reached with the Finance Ministry earlier this year has not been upheld. The deal put an end to the previous nurses’ strike in February. Nurses Union…

Communists against neo-liberal reform of psychiatric care in Israel

Ministers in the social-economic cabinet approved proposals for a neo-liberal psychiatric reform on Tuesday. The cabinet, headed by Justice Minister Yaakov Ne’eman, authorized the completion of action on the controversial proposals, which were presented by Deputy Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman (Ultra-Orthodox party -United Torah Judaism). The reform, which was not sent to the Knesset, has…

Protest leadership expands its demands to health and education, in addition to housing costs

Organizers of Israel’s mass housing protest called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday (Sunday) to engage in direct dialogue with them, blaming him for dismissing the people’s demands. Some 150,000 demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday, and a top treasury official resigned on Sunday, raising questions from leading commentators over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s…

Doctors launch general strike

Israeli Medical Association (IMA) declares series of harsher protest moves following failure of its negotiations with Health Ministry, Treasury officials over employment conditions. Doctors are launching a general strike today as part of their ongoing efforts to improve employment conditions, and will not provide nonessential services at public hospitals, or receive patients at Clalit or…

Negotiations fail as doctors’ storm out of meeting with Treasury; Next week: strike in all hospitals

 Doctors’ union, the Israel Medical Association (IMA), charged on Thursday evening that the Treasury backtracked on agreements it reached on the number of night and weekend shifts that would be required of doctors. “We returned to square one,” it said. On Sunday, doctors’ sanctions will shut down all elective surgery except emergency and oncological surgery.…