Demonstrators in Haifa, Thursday evening: "We are the hope."

Thousands Attack Far-Right Gov’t in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa

Thousands demonstrated throughout the country on Thursday evening, October 22, against the far-right government of criminally indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a series of protests directed at the social and economic crisis, police brutality and high-level corruption. Large protests were held in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, while smaller rallies were held at hundreds of…

"A State in Protest": At left, Jerusalem's Paris Square during a severely limited demonstration; At right, live reportage from Tel Aviv

B&W Minister Resigns: Netanyahu More Concerned by Own Personal Woes than Fight against COVID-19

Tourism Minister Asaf Zamir became the first Blue & White minister to quit far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government on Friday, October 2, sending the political system into turmoil and raising speculation that elections could be on the horizon. Zamir resigned from the government, citing the passage of controversial legislation last week to restrict protests during the…

Medical lab workers demonstrate at Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer, August 11, 2020. The sign in the foreground reads: "Don't abandon public medical care."

Striking Lab Workers Accuse Gov’t: You’re “Looting the Public Coffers”

Around 2,000 laboratory workers employed at some 400 state-run labs started an open-ended strike on Sunday morning, August 30, amidst a pay dispute with the Treasury. Following reports that the far-right government has begun diverting tests to very expensive private labs, the chairwoman of the Union of Biochemists, Microbiologists and Laboratory Workers, Esther Admon, wrote in…