MK Khenin during a meeting for the preservation of coasts (Photo: Zalul)

Gov’t committee tasked to advise how to proceed with obsolete beach construction plans

The Inter-ministerial Committee for Legislation ordered on Monday the establishment of a new inter-ministerial committee tasked with advising the government on how to proceed with obsolete beach construction plans. The ministers made the decision to establish the new committee following a discussion about a bill to amend the 2004 Law for Preservation of Coasts, supported…

MK Dov Khenin during an environmental meeting at the Tel-Aviv's coast, May 12, 2014 (Photo: Zalul)

Israel’s environmentalists are up in arms

The Interior Ministry has decided to terminate their long-established representation in the country’s foremost planning commission forums. Petitions to the High Court of Justice against this are already in the pipeline. The environmental organizations contend that their absence would inevitably deny ordinary Israelis a voice on what might be constructed in their vicinity and that…

A demonstration in Jerusalem against the controversial pilot phosphate mining project outside Arad (Photo: NoBarir)

Khenin: The government must prove that it prefers the health of citizens over the profits of phosphate tycoons

Following a thorough consultation with an American environmental health expert, Health Minister Yael German is opposing a plan for a controversial pilot phosphate mining project outside Arad. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) applauded German’s decision to oppose the construction of the pilot phosphate mine. “The ball is now in the court of Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar,”…

Environmental protest in Holyland, Jerusalem (Photo: Green Course)

MK Khenin cites environmental concerns in Holyland scandal

Member of Knesset Dov Khenin (Hadash), chairman of the environmental lobby, cited the environmental concerns regarding the Holyland apartment scandal. Now that bribery in the construction and zoning of the sprawling Jerusalem luxury apartment complex has been confirmed by Monday’s convictions, MK Khenin stated that environmental concerns should not be forgotten. “It all started from…

Hadash: New oil standards are environmental risk

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) blasted Energy and Water Minister Uzi Landau’s decision to authorize new oil and gas regulations. The regulations, which the ministry said will now require environmental certification for certain drillings, distinguish between “temporary drilling sites” and “commercial sites slated for production.” In Khenin’s opinion, however, the government should revamp the entire 1952…

MK Khenin wins the prestigious Green Globe Award

Life and Environment, the Israeli umbrella organization of ecology organizations, will present its Green Globe awards on Sunday to activists and organizations that have improved the country’s environment.  MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) will receive the prestigious Green Globe for improving legislation in critical environmental issues. Entering its 9th consecutive year, The Green Globe Award is…