Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Issawiya. The large banner beneath red flag in the right of the photograph reads: “We are all with Issawiya”; the placard to the left proclaims: "Enough of the racist policy."

Israel’s Police Rampage in Issawiya Continues; 4 Palestinians Detained

Israeli occupation forces assaulted and detained four Palestinian civilians Friday, December 27, in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Issawiya, according to residents. Police forces physically assaulted the four, beating them up at the entrance to the neighborhood, before arresting them. Isawiya, located adjacent to Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus and Hadassah-University Medical Center, is home…

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate outside police headquarters at Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Isawiya. The large banner at the extreme left reads: "We are all with Isawiya."

In Central W. Jerusalem, Hundreds Protest Police Rampage in Isawiya

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrated outside police headquarters in Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, calling for an end to nearly six months of daily police brutality and violence in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya. Among the demonstrators were Hadash MK Youssef Jabareen (Joint List) and several members of Hadash…

Arrests, Violence and Raids on Homes: Summer 2019 in Isawiyah

On July 23, B’Tselem first reported on the police harassment of residents of the Isawiyah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. The campaign, which began in June, included daily law enforcement and collective punishment raids, ostensibly in response to stone throwing. During one of the raids, 21-year-old neighborhood resident Muhammad ‘Abeid was killed. Although the harassment…