Journalist Nidal Agbarieh Murdered in Umm al-Fahm

Nidal Agbarieh, an Arab journalist who ran the Baladna news site, was shot to death, in his car in Umm al-Fahm on Sunday night. The Union of Journalists stated that it was “shaken” by the murder and expressed condolences to Agabrieh’s family. “Israel Police must act immediately to locate the murderers and bring them to justice…

Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement

After years of concerns that Thailand was purchasing Israeli-made cyber surveillance technologies, human rights groups have found the first forensic evidence linking the NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus spyware to the Southeast Asian kingdom. A new report by Citizen Lab, published Monday together with two Thai civil society groups, says digital forensic evidence indicates that at…

Police to Summon MKs Odeh, Cassif and Tibi for Interrogation

Israel’s Attorney General’s Office on Thursday decided to authorize the police to summon Joint List MKs Ayman Odeh (Hadash), Ofer Cassif (Hadash) and Ahmad Tibi (Ta’al) for interrogation. Tibi and Cassif are suspected of “attacking police officers,” Odeh for calling on Arabs serving in Israel’s occupation forces to lay down their arms. MKs Tibi, Cassif…

Bill to Ban Palestinian Flags Gets Initial Knesset Approval

A controversial bill that outlaws the display of “enemy flags” (i.e., Palestinian flag) at state-funded institutions and universities passed a preliminary vote in the Knesset on Wednesday. While it was passed with 63 in favor and 16 against, the bill must pass three additional Knesset votes to become law, which isn’t expected to happen soon.…