Hadash demonstration in Tel-Aviv, December 2011. The banner said: "Democracy we'll defend it, so that it will defend all of us." (Photo: Lisa Goldman)

ACRI opposes yet another anti-NGO bill

On Sunday March 2, 2014, the Ministerial Committee for Legislative affairs reviewed a bill tabled by extreme-right MK Miri Regev  (Likud) – an amendment to the Non-Profit Organizations Law under which the state will be able to prevent an organization’s registration if any of its objectives contradict the definition of “Israel as a Jewish and…

Activists blocking a road in center Tel Aviv during a protest against the Prawer-Begin plan, last Saturday, December 7, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

MK Barakeh: Prawer plan is a racist law

Former cabinet minister Benny Begin, who in the previous government was in charge of gathering and implementing right wing government proposals to Arab-Bedouin evictions, said on Monday that he never presented the bill to representatives of the Bedouin community and did not ask for their positions on the matter. The draft law is commonly known…

In Israel and abroad: Protests against Prawer Plan

This Saturday, November 30, Arab-Palestinians in Israel and Left activists will rally against plans for the ethnic cleansing of the Naqab/Negev, at Houra and Haifa in an internationally-observed “Day of Rage.” There are planned demonstrations across Israel and Palestine as well as in cities around the world, in a show of global solidarity against Israel’s…

Gapso's racist banner in Upper Nazareth (Photo: Al Ittihad)

MKs bicker over debate about indicted racist mayor

MK Miri Regev (Likud) Wednesday convened the Knesset committee she chairs to discuss a complaint by a political ally, racist Upper Nazareth Mayor Shimon Gapso, against the municipal legal adviser whose revelations helped lead to Gapso’s recent indictment for bribery. The move infuriated both coalition and opposition MKs, who accused Regev of abusing the Internal…

Government aims to reduce public housing supply

Housing Minister Uri Ariel on Sunday said that the Housing and Finance ministries aim to significantly reduce the supply of public housing. Earlier Sunday, the Knesset’s Lobby for Public Housing asked the chairman of the Knesset’s Economic Affairs Committee, Avishay Braverman, to convene an urgent meeting saying the proposed measure would lead to “a drastic…

Extreme right wing MKs wants Dov Khenin on trial

Extreme right wing MK Miri Regev (Likud / Yisrael Beytenu) called Wednesday for criminal charges to be filed against three Knesset Members who exposed the “Prisoner X” affair in the Knesset plenum, thus using their parliamentary immunity to circumvent a gag order imposed by the Chief Military Censor. Regev asked the Attorney General and the…