Photograph of Ayman Odeh displayed during a televised election results forecast immediately following the closing of the polls at 10:00 pm on Monday night, March 2

MK Ayman Odeh Asserts Elections Were a Huge Success for Joint List

Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) declared yesterday (Tuesday, March 3) that the alliance of Hadash, Balad, Ta’al and Ra’am had realized a “huge achievement” in Monday’s general elections for the Knesset after nearly-final results suggested it won 15 seats in the 120-seat parliament. The election results showed that more than 530,000 voter, Arabs and…

A ballot for the Joint List

On Election Day, the Joint List Will Increase its Knesset Representation

The citizens of Israel have another date today (Monday, March 2) with the ballot box in an unprecedented third general election in less than a year. The previous two rounds ended in deadlocks between far-right Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s right-wing/settler/religious bloc and a cluster of Zionist center parties led by challenger MK Benny Gantz. Neither of…