World Zionist Organization to Invest 30m Shekels to Ready Settlements for Legalization

The World Zionist Organization Settlement Division is set to invest 29.5 million shekels ($8.5 million) to connect “unauthorized” occupied West Bank settlements (called “outposts” by officials) to the electricity grid and prepare master plans ahead of authorizing them as proper settlements. Peace Now led on May 30, 2022 a landmark protest which called upon Israel…

The Occupational Health Crisis in Israel, New Report

According a new report published by Kav LaOved, the number of workers affected by occupational diseases in Israel is underestimated. The report estimates that there are tens of thousands of workers each year who contract occupational diseases and about 1,700 of them dies every year as a result of an occupational disease. However, this number…

NGOs: Israel’s Development of E1 Zone Will Thwart Palestinian State

The construction of 3,500 settler homes in E1 zone between Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley is designed to thwart Palestinian state, architect Uri Reicher testified this week at the Higher Planning Council of the Israeli occupation Civil Administration hearing on the project. “Israeli construction on E1 harms Palestine’s future growth potential and therefore closes the…