A demonstration in Beer-Sheva against nutritional insecurity and the neo-liberal social policy of the Netanyahu government (Photo: Social activists)

Food insecurity affects 900,000 Israelis

A new State Comptroller report found the government lacking in its efforts to ensure that Israelis are able to maintain a basic nutritional diet, and that by relying on charity organizations, the state was not fulfilling its duty to the public. The Nutritional Insecurity report, published on Monday, calculated that there are some 900,000 Israelis…

Qalandia checkpoint (Photo: Activestills)

Transporting Palestinian workers inside Israel is now a crime – and that goes for taxi drivers too

The Knesset on Wednesday authorized on its second and third readings a law that codifies the criminalization of transporting “illegal workers” from the Palestinian Authority within Israel. The law specifies fines and jail time for such offenses under certain circumstances. According to the emergency order, any Israeli who transport a Palestinian worker without the appropriate…

Hadash affiliated Red-Pink Movement in a demonstration for LGTB rights (Photo: Red-Pink Movement)

LGTB anti-discrimination law

The Knesset “cleaned its table” Tuesday, the second-to-last day of its winter session, voting bills on various topics. One of the new laws passed makes it illegal for schools to discriminate against pupils because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), who proposed the bill, pointed out that it is the…

Bill: Reducing women’s economic dependence

The ministerial committee passed a bill which will reduce women’s financial reliance on their husbands. According to the law, which was promoted by MKs Dov Khenin (Hadash) and Aliza Lavie (Yesh Atid), social welfare payments will now be transferred to a couple’s shared account instead of to the man’s account. The hope is that this…