Sign posted outside the offices of the Himanuta subsidiary of the Jewish National Fund

MK Khenin: “Nationalize the JNF!”

The Jewish National Fund (JNF), known in Hebrew as Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, is extremely wealthy. It owns 13% of all the land in Israel and brings in some $3 billion a year, most of it from land sales. The Israeli government traditionally feels entitled to the JNF’s money, which according to its mission statement is…

Joint Palestinian-Israeli solidarity olive harvest near Al-Walaja in the occupied territories

Settlers Attack Palestinians Harvesting Olives near Hebron

Israeli settlers reportedly attacked a group of Palestinian olive pickers on Friday, October 27, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron, according to the official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned Wafa news agency. Wafa reported that settlers from the settlement of Maon, built illegally on land belonging to the nearby town of Yatta, physically assaulted…

Palestinian Authority Government

Joint List Leader Congratulates Palestinians on Reconciliation

Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) has made telephone calls to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to congratulate them on their reconciliation process. This follows Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s characterization of the reconciliation as “bogus,” saying that Israel rejects a process “in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles at…

Addameer's field researcher Salah Hamouri detained by Israeli forces during a raid on August 23, 2017

Amnesty Int’l Condemns Israel’s Detention of Palestinian Attorney

Responding to the news that an Israeli court has confirmed the six month administrative detention order for Salah Hammouri, a field researcher for the Palestinian human rights NGO Addameer, Amnesty International has condemned the far-right Israeli government’s decision to imprison the Palestinian-French Attorney under the widely condemned policy which allows for internment without charge or…