MK Khenin during a meeting for the preservation of coasts (Photo: Zalul)

Gov’t committee tasked to advise how to proceed with obsolete beach construction plans

The Inter-ministerial Committee for Legislation ordered on Monday the establishment of a new inter-ministerial committee tasked with advising the government on how to proceed with obsolete beach construction plans. The ministers made the decision to establish the new committee following a discussion about a bill to amend the 2004 Law for Preservation of Coasts, supported…

Arab-Palestinian students protest in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 10, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Force-feeding bill meeting stiff opposition

The Knesset Internal Affairs and Environment Committee launched on Monday two days of marathon debates over the controversial bill allowing the force-feeding of Palestinian hunger-striking prisoners, as the bill advances toward its second and third readings. The bill, which is officially an amendment to the Prisons Ordinance, passed its first reading last week, with 29…

A demonstration in Nablus in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners, May 25 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Knesset approves bill to force-feed hunger strikers

The Knesset approved for the first reading a landmark bill Monday which would allow prison authorities to force-feed hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners, sparking fury from several MKs.  The government bill seeks to authorize the Commissioner of Prisons to petition the District Court to obtain a permit for medical treatment of hunger-striking prisoners. After the vote on…

Demonstration in Tel-Aviv against the occupation of the Palestinian territories (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Police order not to hold an anti-occupation protest in Tel-Aviv

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) said Monday that he would deliberately disobey a police order not to hold an anti-occupation protest in Tel Aviv, next Saturday night, June 7. As a Knesset member, Khenin has immunity from arrest in such matters, but it was likely that other thousands protesters would also participate in the protest lead…