Next Weekend in Tel-Aviv: Eighth Annual Marx Conference

The Eighth Annual Marx Conference, devoted to “Marxism in Israel and Palestine,” will take place in Tel-Aviv next Saturday, November 22, under the auspices of the Hagada Hasmalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. Summaries of the lectures given during the conference will be published on the Hebrew website of Hagada Hasmalit. The conference will be…

Palestinian-Israeli demonstration at the police cordon in the entrance to the neighborhood of al-'Esawiyah in occupied East Jerusalem, on Friday, November 7, 2014 (Photo: Guy Batavia)

Communists in Jerusalem: “Draconian Measures against Deprived Palestinian Population Not a Solution”

In response to recent events in East Jerusalem, various Israeli officials have recently made media statements about the measures they think should be taken to “ensure order in the city.” Some of these measures have been implemented: The Jerusalem Municipality has ramped up municipal law enforcement only in East Jerusalem, including for violations previously not…

Palestinian youth has seen burning tires during demonstrations against occupation in the neighborhood of Issawia on October 24, 2014 in occupied East Jerusalem (Photo: Activestills)

MK Barakeh condemns plans to expand illegal settlements in East Jerusalem

Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee Member Saeb Erekat, in a statement, strongly condemned the latest Israeli announcement to expand illegal settlements in and around the Occupied East Jerusalem. “This announcement amounts to evidence of an intent to further commit crimes defined by and punishable under international law,” stressed Erekat. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has…

Factories At the Dead Sea (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Hadash blasts Sheshinski 2: State committee recommends a pro-capitalist approach to natural resource surtax

Arousing the ire of Hadash and environmentalists alike, the Sheshinski 2 Committee published its final recommendations on policies for taxing natural resources, softening its approach from a previous draft. Finance Minister Yair Lapid tasked the committee, headed by economist Eytan Sheshinski, a professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, last year with examining the…