Communist demonstrators distance-protest in south Tel Aviv, one of many hundreds that took place Saturday evening, October 10. The red Hadash placard reads, "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

A Thousand “Distanced Protests” against Netanyahu across Israel

Tens of thousands of citizens of Israel participated in protests at hundreds of locations across the country on Saturday night, October 10, against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the extension of anti-democratic “special emergency” rules. Over 1,000 socially distanced gatherings were held throughout the country, the fourth such event since the government instituted a ban…

Police attempt to stop the demonstration on Ben Yehuda Street in Central Tel Aviv on Wednesday night, September 30. The small sign in the foreground reads: "Bibi, you're a nothing."

Hundreds March through Tel Aviv against Far-Right Government

Several hundred protesters marched through the streets of Tel Aviv on Wednesday night, September 30, among them activists from Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), demonstrating against the far-right government and the new anti-democratic legislation aimed at limiting protests during the current coronavirus lockdown. The protesters set out from Habima Square and marched through…

Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists took part in the demonstration in Jerusalem’s Paris Square, Saturday night, August 15, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among them are Joint List MKs Aida Touma-Sliman and Ofer Cassif. The banner reads Arabic and Hebrew, "We are the Revolution."

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Draw Tens of Thousands Nationwide: “Fly to UAE & Don’t Come Back!”

Protesters rallied Saturday evening, August 15, at a number of sites across Israel as part of ongoing demonstrations against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his indictment on graft charges and his catastrophic handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The main protest was held outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem, which has been the center of…

Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists participated in the demonstration at Jerusalem’s Paris Square, last Saturday night, August 8, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Arabic and Hebrew banner reads, "We are the Revolution."

Tens of Thousands Attend Massive Anti-Netanyahu Rallies Nationwide

Protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued nationwide on Saturday evening, August 8, with tens of thousands of people gathering outside the Prime Minister’s Residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem. In addition, approximately 1,000 demonstrators stationed themselves at a main intersection exiting Caesarea, site of Netanyahu’s private residence, to assure that he would have…