I Will Not Be Silent, MK Ofer Cassif

Last week, I was accused from the platform of Maariv, in the article “Let You Explain” written by Lilac Sigan, that I and my friends in my political path are responsible for the backing the abominable Hamas organization and its strengthening. MK Ofer Cassif during a demonstration held in Tel-Aviv against occupation and the siege…

24-year-old Mom Shot and Killed in Haifa

Over 90 suspected murders have taken place since the start of 2023, more than double last year’s rate. The vast majority of the victims are Arab-Palestinians citizens of Israel. On Monday, Hanan Abu Hait (24), the mother of a five-year-old boy, was shot dead in Haifa as part of a suspected criminal dispute. On Sunday, thousands…

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Issawiya. The large banner beneath red flag in the right of the photograph reads: “We are all with Issawiya”; the placard to the left proclaims: "Enough of the racist policy."

Israel’s Police Rampage in Issawiya Continues; 4 Palestinians Detained

Israeli occupation forces assaulted and detained four Palestinian civilians Friday, December 27, in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Issawiya, according to residents. Police forces physically assaulted the four, beating them up at the entrance to the neighborhood, before arresting them. Isawiya, located adjacent to Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus and Hadassah-University Medical Center, is home…