Head of the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel, Mohammad Barakeh (center), addresses the protesters gathered in Be'er-Sheva last Monday. At the extreme right of the picture is Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen and next to him MK Ofer Cassif.

Arab-Bedouin Protest Negev Land Grabs by the Racist JNF and ILA

Hundreds of Arab-Bedouin protested on Monday morning, June 22, outside the regional administrative compound in Be’er-Sheva to denounce the far-right government’s policy of house demolitions and evacuation orders against unrecognized Arab villages in the Negev. The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel called for the demonstration and among the hundreds of participants were Hadash…

Israeli police forces in occupied East Jerusalem, July 2019

Rights Groups: Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes in Jerusalem Is Tantamount to Ethnic Cleansing

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and HUMENA for Human Rights and Civil Participation said in a statement released on Saturday, August 10, that Israel’s systematic destruction of Palestinian homes and property in occupied East Jerusalem amounts to ethnic cleansing. Furthermore, the statement maintains that the US administration of Donald Trump implicitly paved the way for…