Saturday night's demonstration against racism at Zion Square, Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Protest against Racist “Lehava” Organization

Saturday night, December 13, hundreds of protesters gathered in Zion Square in West Jerusalem demanding the outlawing of “Lehava,” the rascist organization whose members are allegedly behind a recent arson attack on a Jewish-Arab bilingual school in the city. Lehava opposes “Jewish assimilation,” in particular interfaith marriages between Jews and Arabs. During the demonstration, the…

Only 8.5% of investigation files into offences committed by settlers against Palestinians end in indictment

Figures based on monitoring of the investigations in 938 files opened by the various units of the Samaria & Judea District Police following complaints submitted by Palestinians with Yesh Din’s assistance, show that between 2005 and 2013 just 8.5 percent of investigation files ended in the indictment of Israelis suspected of harming Palestinians and their…

Hundreds marched in Tel-Aviv denouncing any strike on Iran

Thursday evening hundreds protesters marched from the Likud headquarters to the Defence Minister’s home in Tel Aviv denouncing any strike on Iran. Among them: MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), former MKs Tamar Gozansky (Hadash) and Mossi Raz (Meretz), and Tel-Aviv Councilman Yoav Goldring (Ir Lekulanu). Several Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists carried red flags…

Racists torched Jerusalem building with 50 migrants

A Jerusalem apartment housing Eritrean migrants was torched by racists overnight, on Monday. Firefighters rescued 10 people, four of whom needed medical attention. They were rushed to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in the city. The Fire Department said that their initial investigation indicated arson. Investigators also found the words “Get out of the neighborhood” sprayed…

A wall in the torched mosque in Burqa

Yet Another Mosque Torched by Extreme-Right Jewish Racists

The residents of the Palestinian occupied West Bank village of Burqa, near Nablus, reported that their mosque “Al Nour” has been torched overnight. Defamatory slogans found on the walls, including several reading “Mitzpe Yitzhar” and “War,” suggest that the incident is in fact a racist extreme-right act.  According to Ma’an, the Palestinian news agency, at…