From an Exchange of Abductees and Prisoners to Peace

 An agreement on the exchange of the abductees is not yet within reach. Unfortunately, the abducted will continue to languish in captivity. The agreement is a real dilemma. In logic, a “dilemma” refers to a situation in which there are two equally important alternatives that cannot be achieved together – despite the difficulty, one must…

Israel-Hamas Prisoner Exchange Now, MK Ayman Odeh

MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) called on Israeli government to release all Palestinian prisoners and moving forward immediately on a prisoner exchange. Hamas kidnapped more of 150 Israelis and foreigners in its deadly assault on southern Israel on Saturday morning. According Odeh “It is absolutely forbidden to accept any attacks on the innocent, and I categorically…

Occupation Army Blocks Peace Activists March to West Bank Settlement

The far-right government on Friday acknowledged for the first time that it allowed illegal construction to take place at Homesh in the occupied Palestinian territories, as soldiers barred hundreds Israeli peace activists and Palestinians from reaching the illegal outpost. The occupation army blocked several hundred activists, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel members,…

Far-Right Govt’ Passes Controversial Pro-Settler Budget

The far-right Israeli government has passed in the early hours of Wednesday a new two-year budget that solidifies the ruling coalition’s religious, pro-settlement agenda, as thousands of protesters demonstrated against the spending package outside the parliament building. The 2023 and 2024 budgets passed with a 64-56 vote – stalled by debates overnight and following weeks…

Communist Party of Israel: Far-Right Gov’t Aggressive Policy Will Only Increase.

The regime coup advanced by the Netanyahu government will obliterate all democratic space still left in Israel and solidify Israel’s status as a right-wing dictatorship. By eliminating the independent judiciary in general and removing the supreme court’s power in particular, the government will be able to institutionalize apartheid, attack groups within Israel such as Palestinians…