Joint List lawmaker Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) addresses protesting daycare center workers who gathered near the Knesset, October 5, 2021.

Arabs Are Here by Mistake, Racist Leader Tells Joint List Lawmakers

The chairman of the far-right Religious Zionism party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, told Joint List lawmakers on Wednesday October 13, “You are here by mistake – because Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and throw you out in 1948.” The racist Smotrich also called Arab lawmakers “supporters of terror” and “enemies.” Smotrich made these remarks, his most recent tirade against…

Arab and Jewish Doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Wednesday night May 12: "Shalom – Salaam," Peace in Hebrew and Arabic

Hadash Rejects All Mob Violence by Jews or Arabs, the Burning of Property and Houses of Worship

Amidst the ongoing deadly armed escalation with Gaza, scenes of unrest, rioting, hate rallies and growing social chaos are spreading throughout numerous cities in Israel. The most shocking scene on Wednesday night, May 12, was live coverage of hundreds of Jewish racists (mostly from the Jerusalemite “La Familia” gang) in Bat Yam vandalizing Arab property and…

The Central Elections Committee convened in Jerusalem on Wednesday, February 17, to debate and vote on the disqualification petitions submitted by Otzma Yehudit aimed at delegitimizing Arab representation in Israel's Knesset.

Central Elections Committee Nixes Disqualifying Joint List Candidates

The Knesset’s Central Elections Committee (CED) convened on Wednesday, February 17, and rejected petitions by the fascist and racist Otzma Yehudit (“Jewish Power”) party to disqualify the Joint List and Ra’am from running in the March 23 general elections for the Knesset. The committee is made up of representatives of factions in the outgoing Knesset. Otzma Yehudit…