Palestinian youth has seen burning tires during demonstrations against occupation in the neighborhood of Issawia on October 24, 2014 in occupied East Jerusalem (Photo: Activestills)

MK Barakeh condemns plans to expand illegal settlements in East Jerusalem

Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee Member Saeb Erekat, in a statement, strongly condemned the latest Israeli announcement to expand illegal settlements in and around the Occupied East Jerusalem. “This announcement amounts to evidence of an intent to further commit crimes defined by and punishable under international law,” stressed Erekat. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has…

House demolition in A-Tur, East Jerusalem, June 2009. A Day after the municipality of Jerusalem announced it'd stop demolishing homes in East Jerusalem, Abu-Jumaa's house in A-Tur was demolished (Photo: Activestills)

Municipality of Jerusalem issues demolition orders to displace 19 Palestinian residents

Inspectors of Jerusalem municipality on Monday handed a demolition warrant to a Palestinian family notifying them that two residential buildings are scheduled to be demolished, potentially displacing 19 people. According to Ma’an Palestinian News Agency, the Siyam family where told that the buildings in Silwan neighborhood would be demolished “because they were constructed without the…

Barakeh: Glenn Beck rally could spark violence

Far-right Glenn Beck’s Restoring Courage rally at the Southern Wall excavations site next Wednesday could spark a conflagration of violence in Jerusalem, Hadash chairman and activists warned Wednesday. The Jerusalem mass rally will be the central event of the American broadcaster’s three-night attempt to “demonstrate to Israel and the world that the Jewish state does…

Peace is possible, but not the Obama-Netanyahu way

Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel  “The key to success for any political negotiations is the will on the Israeli side to put an end to the occupation and to remove the settlements in order to enable the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, besides…

International Solidarity Day with Sheikh Jarrah struggle

For the past year there has been an ongoing struggle in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Palestinian East-Jerusalem, this struggle is growing and at the same time the Israeli police is trying to brake the struggle as much as they can.    So, as August brings with it the one year anniversary to the evictions of the G’awi…