Palestinians protest the US-Israeli "Deal of the Century" in the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, May 30, 2020.

Communist Parties: “Occupation is Terror; Annexation is Apartheid!”

In a joint initiative by the Palestinian People’s Party and the Communist Party of Israel, dozens of Communist and Workers’ parties from around the world have signed the following statement entitled: “Occupation is Terror; Annexation is Apartheid.” Yesterday, June 5, 2020 marked the 53rd anniversary of the launching of Israel’s war of aggression of 1967, in which…

Israeli police forces suppress a protestor demonstrating against the Trump administration’s plan, Jerusalem, January 29, 2020. Clashes have been taking place in the West Bank since the US announced its so-called "Deal of the Century" on January 28.

Popular Resistance Swells in the West Bank — 4 Palestinian Dead

There have been daily clashes between demonstrators and Israeli occupation troops in the West Bank following the release of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” on January 28. The Israeli military has been on “heightened alert” there since the plan’s cynically timed and politically-motivated festive presentation to the world from the White House…

The tail wagging the dog: PM Netanyahu and US President Trump at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, May 23, 2017

After Primary Victory, Netanyahu Vows to Get US to Back Annexation

In a speech on Friday morning, December 27, far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed his “final and sweeping” victory in the Likud primary on Thursday, thanking US President Donald Trump and vowing to bring US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over its West Bank settlements — a move tantamount to annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories.…

Settlers Hail “Historic Opportunity” following Report that Trump Won’t Oppose Annexation of Settlements

Settler leaders and right-wing parties hailed on Sunday, May 12, a TV report that said the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” will provide for all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories to remain under Israeli rule, and that the administration will not oppose the extension of Israeli law to all settlements. Trump’s plan will…

MK Yousef Jabareen

Hadash Lawmaker on Election Day: “Democracy, Equality and Peace – These Are the Main Political Issues”

Today, Tuesday, April 9, general elections for the 21st Knesset are being held in Israel. The website Sputnik discussed the elections last weekend with Dr. Yousef Jabareen, currently a member of Knesset from Hadash and a candidate from the Hadash-Ta’al alliance. Sputnik: These are the sixth elections in which Arab-led parties and their candidates have…