Palestinian youth has seen burning tires during demonstrations against occupation in the neighborhood of Issawia on October 24, 2014 in occupied East Jerusalem (Photo: Activestills)

MK Barakeh condemns plans to expand illegal settlements in East Jerusalem

Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee Member Saeb Erekat, in a statement, strongly condemned the latest Israeli announcement to expand illegal settlements in and around the Occupied East Jerusalem. “This announcement amounts to evidence of an intent to further commit crimes defined by and punishable under international law,” stressed Erekat. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has…

Israeli shuts down Palestinian children’s theater festival in occupied East Jerusalem

The 19th annual Palestinian children’s theater festival in the East Jerusalem theater of Al-Hakwati, was due to open on Saturday, June 22nd, but was  canceled under a special warrant issued by Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch. The festival organizers protested the shutting down of the highly-anticipated eight-day long cultural event, which was  scheduled to feature Palestinian,…

Hundreds Israeli left activists and Palestinian residents protested in the Sheikh Jarrah Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem

Hundreds Israeli left activists and Palestinian residents protested in the Sheikh Jarrah Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem on Friday (March 26, 2010). The demonstrators shouted: “There is nothing holy in an occupied city”, and protested against the entrance of Jewish residents to houses in the Arab neighborhood, as well as against the construction permit granted…

Urgent Appeal from the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

Settlers attempt to seize Armenian properties under the protection of Israeli authorities in the Armenian Quarter in occupied East Jerusalem. Tensions have mounted in the past month after an Australian-Israeli developer leased 25% of the Armenian Quarter, which is home to about 2,000 Armenian Christians, from the Armenian patriarch against the community’s will. A coveted…