Over 1,470 Israeli Academics Call for End to War in Gaza

Over 1,470 academic staff and administrators from all institutions of higher education in Israel have signed a petition urging the Israeli far-right government to promptly end the war in Gaza and to secure the immediate release of the hostages. Lecturers and student’s protest against the war in Gaza and for the release of hostages held…

From an Exchange of Abductees and Prisoners to Peace

 An agreement on the exchange of the abductees is not yet within reach. Unfortunately, the abducted will continue to languish in captivity. The agreement is a real dilemma. In logic, a “dilemma” refers to a situation in which there are two equally important alternatives that cannot be achieved together – despite the difficulty, one must…

Opposition MK’s Storm Out of Ben-Gvir’s Speech

Opposition MKs walked out of the Knesset plenum on Tuesday when National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Givr stood up to respond to their motion to take action against crime in the Arab community. Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit racist party boycotted the plenum session, but Ben-Gvir was there to give the government’s response. Only four far-right coalition members…

AG Mulls Indicting Hadash Lawmaker for Assaulting Cop

The State Prosecutor’s Office has informed a representative of Hadash lawmaker Ofer Cassif that the attorney general is considering prosecuting him for “assaulting a policeman under aggravated circumstances,” subject to a hearing. The decision was made with the consent of State Prosecutor Amit Aisman. On last May, Cassif was attempting to reach a protest at…

Israelis Gather in Masse to Protest for Democracy

Hadash leaders denounced the government on Tuesday after the far-right coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu passed, in the first of its three readings, a milestone bill in the divisive effort to overhaul Israel’s judiciary. The government celebrated the effort after the legislation passed by a vote of 63-47 with no abstentions. Some lawmakers,…

Nixed Musical About Occupation Soldiers Sparks Protests

Dozens of figures from Israel’s cultural scene signed a letter released Wednesday calling on far-right Culture Minister Chili Tropper to intervene following the cancellation last month at the Fringe Theater in Beersheba of a performance of a musical featuring the testimonies of female occupation soldiers serving in the West Bank that were collected by Breaking…