Prominent members of the Joint List lead a protest march against Trump's "Deal of the Century" in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Saturday, February 1: From right to left, Hadash MK Youssef Jabarrin; (in second row) Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel, Adel Amer; Secretary General of Hadash, Mansour Dehamshe; first from left, Assam Makhoul, former MK from Hadash and current Chairman of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian & Israeli Studies; second from left, MK Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al).

Voices from the Left: Trump’s Plan, One for Annexation, Not for Peace

When, amidst his characteristic bombast, US President Donald Trump festively revealed his “Deal of the Century” last week in Washington, he repeated the terms “peace plan” and “Palestinian state” several times. In response, Peace Now has written, “Despite the seemingly appropriate words and the celebratory atmosphere, an examination of the details of the plan, clearly…

MK Heba Yazbak voting in last September's election

Hadash, CPI Reject Barring of Joint List MK Heba Yazbak from Election

Likud MK Ophir Katz filed a request with the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee on Tuesday, January 21, to disqualify Balad MK Heba Yazbak (Joint List) from running in the March 2 general elections, just a day before the deadline for submitting such requests. Senior Blue & White lawmaker and former neo-liberal Ministry of Treasure, Yair Lapid, subsequently announced…

From Netanyahu's campaign on Facebook "Get out and vote for me on Thursday."

US, UK & Aussie Capitalists Donate to Netanyahu and Sa’ar Campaigns

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his challenger in today’s (December 26) internal Likud election for the party leadership, MK Gideon Sa’ar, each received hundreds of thousands of shekels in campaign contributions from American, British millionaires, the State Comptroller’s Office website revealed on Sunday, December 22. The Knesset passed a law last year preventing Knesset…

UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses a special session of the Italian parliament on Wednesday, December 16.

UN Secretary-General Guterres: Construction in Settlements Must Cease Immediately and Completely

The United Nations Special Coordinator to the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, told the Security Council on Wednesday, December 18, that Israel advanced or approved plans for over 22,000 housing units in West Bank settlements and East Jerusalem in the three years since the council adopted a resolution condemning settlements in lands the Palestinians want for their…