Racists torched Jerusalem building with 50 migrants

A Jerusalem apartment housing Eritrean migrants was torched by racists overnight, on Monday. Firefighters rescued 10 people, four of whom needed medical attention. They were rushed to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in the city. The Fire Department said that their initial investigation indicated arson. Investigators also found the words “Get out of the neighborhood” sprayed…

Activists protest outside racist MK Regev’s home

Dozens of activists gather on Saturday on Likud MK’s Miri Regev doorstep, observe moment of silence in protest of her inciting and racist statements against African migrants and refugees. Some 25 of Regev’s and Likud supporters arrived on the scene, and responded to the silent protest by shouting abusive and more racist comments at the…

Hadash against Interior Minister’s racist statement

The African refugees in Israel should be rounded up in prisons or holding facilities and then deported from the country, Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) said in a radio interview on Wednesday morning. “They should be put into holding cells or jails,” he said, “and then given a grant and sent back” to their countries of…

Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. The placard in the foreground reads: "This is our land!"; the sign to the left says: "One voice - No to the Prawer Plan."

Prawer Plan Promotes Racial Discrimination against Bedouin

Human rights organizations Adalah and Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) formally submitted last week their reservations to the government’s legislative proposal to implement the Prawer Plan for Bedouin in the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev (the “Memorandum of Law to Regulate the Bedouin Settlement in the Negev – 2012″). The government established the…

On the night of November 7, 2011, fascists and racists slogans and personal threats were sprayed inside the house of Hagit Ofran, the head of Peace Now's "settlements watch" office. A nearby car, which does not belong to Ofran, was also vandalized, most likely because it sported a "Peace Now" sticker.

Peace Activists Get Death Threats

A 21 year-old man, was arrested again on Sunday night in connection with death threats he sent via e-mail to members of “Peace Now”, last Sunday. The man in question, whose identity cannot be published due to a gag order, was arrested two weeks ago in connection with a bomb threat and an act of…