MKs Jabareen and Touma-Sliman at the Communist Party club in Umm al-Fahem

Netanyahu Proposes Transferring Wadi Ara and Its Arab Citizens of Israel to Future Palestinian State

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has adopted an idea that formerly had been beyond the pale: territorial transfer – stripping Arab-Palestinians of their Israeli citizenship without their approval and making them and their homes part of a future Palestinian state, all, of course, on a religious-ethnic basis. In talks with Trump administration officials, Netanyahu has reportedly…

Members of the Young Communist League in the Arraba headquarters, on Sunday

Fire Guts Communist Party of Israel Headquarters in Arraba

Fire broke out on Saturday night, June 10, at the headquarters of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) in the Arab city of Arraba located in the Battuf region of the Sakhnin valley in the Lower Galilee. Local activists reported that, while there were no casualties, the offices of the CPI, Hadash and Young Communist…

A gift for the Education Ministry Bennet: an Arabic alphabet

MK Jabareen Blasts Education Minister Over Failure to Translate Arab Pupils’ Diplomas into Arabic

MK Yousef Jabareen (Hadash – Joint List) blasted Minister of Education Naftali Bennett on Wednesday, March 1, over the failure of his ministry to translate Arab pupils’ high school diplomas from Hebrew to Arabic, something which makes it more difficult for them apply to universities and colleges in Arabic-speaking countries. Jabareen (Hadash – Joint List)…