Journalist Nidal Agbarieh Murdered in Umm al-Fahm

Nidal Agbarieh, an Arab journalist who ran the Baladna news site, was shot to death, in his car in Umm al-Fahm on Sunday night. The Union of Journalists stated that it was “shaken” by the murder and expressed condolences to Agabrieh’s family. “Israel Police must act immediately to locate the murderers and bring them to justice…

Medical Residents Resign in Protest of 26-hour Shifts

Two hundred medical residents resigned Thursday following the neo-liberal government refusal to allocate previouslyapproved funds that would go towards efforts to shorten shifts. While the government had originally agreed to shorten shifts by April this year, a July announcement said that the change would be pushed off until September 2023, angering the residents, citing “procedural…

The Stifling of Palestinian Civil Society Organizations Must End, Communist Party and Hadash

Occupation forces have raided the offices of six Palestinian human rights groups in the occupied West Bank that it previously accused of being “terrorist organizations,” a move decried by the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash as an “appalling attack on Palestinian civil society.” Property belonging to the prominent advocacy groups was confiscated and…