Occupation soldiers standing on the periphery of the West Bank settlement Beitar Illit, which was partially built on land expropriated from the Palestinian village of Wadi Fukin

Settlements Receive the Largest Per Capita Subsidies for Their Budgets

According to a recent report released by the Adva Center, the majority of the settlements on the Occupied Palestinian Territories receive the largest amount of Israeli governmental subsidies for municipal budgets. The report details the latest figures available on central government financing of local authorities and offers comparisons between four different types of localities: the…

A woman waiting at the Palestinian side of Erez Crossing between Gaza and Israel

COGAT Forced to Publish Criteria for Movement of People between Israel and Palestinian Territories

Following a court petition submitted by the NGO Gisha – Legal Center for the Freedom of Movement, under the Freedom of Information Act, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) has been compelled to publish the protocols and procedures governing its operations. Israel’s control over the movement of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian…

Arrests, Violence and Raids on Homes: Summer 2019 in Isawiyah

On July 23, B’Tselem first reported on the police harassment of residents of the Isawiyah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. The campaign, which began in June, included daily law enforcement and collective punishment raids, ostensibly in response to stone throwing. During one of the raids, 21-year-old neighborhood resident Muhammad ‘Abeid was killed. Although the harassment…

One of the two Israeli Communist demonstrators injured at Kafr Qaddum is evacuated by Palestinians, last Friday October 4.

Two Israeli Communists among Protestors Injured at Kafr Qaddum

Israeli occupation forces injured two Palestinians and two Communist Party of Israel (CPI) activists on Friday, October 4, during the weekly anti-settlements protest in the village of Kafr Qaddum in the northern occupied West Bank. Israeli soldiers attacked the protesters with rubber-coated bullets and chased some of them, during which the four demonstrators were injured. They…

Samer Arbid

Joint List Urges Opening of Probe into Torture of Jailed Palestinian

The Joint List sent a letter on Monday, September 30, to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit urging him to immediately open an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the hospitalization in critical condition of a Palestinian activist after he was interrogated by Israel’s security services. According to Arabic language Communist newspaper Al-Ittihad the letter sent by the…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Thursday, September 26, speaking before the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York

Abbas to UN General Assembly: If Israel Annexes Occupied Territory, all Signed Agreements will be Void

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) reiterated on Thursday, September 26, that if Israel annexes any part of the occupied West Bank, including the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea, then all signed agreements between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel will be terminated. A week before the September 17 elections, Prime Minister…