Israeli police stand next to a vehicle that rammed into police officers in the Arab-Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev desert, January 18, 2017.

Nine Police Officers Questioned over Attack on MK Ayman Odeh

Nine police officers have been questioned under caution on suspicion they helped to cover up an alleged assault on a Hadash lawmaker during a deadly police operation at an unrecognized Arab-Bedouin community in January of this year. The officers, including a superintendent, were questioned Tuesday night, November 28, by the Justice Ministry’s Police Investigations Department…

Illustration: Yedioth Ahronoth

Shin Bet Rejects & Fires “Political” Teachers in Israel’s Arab Schools

Israel’s Internal Security Agency (the “Shin Bet”) has the authority to reject the hiring of “politically active” teachers or dismiss those already working in Arab schools, according to a report published in the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth last weekend. According to the article, a former official at the Israeli Ministry of Education, Emmanuel Koplovich, related…

Palestinian Authority Government

Joint List Leader Congratulates Palestinians on Reconciliation

Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) has made telephone calls to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to congratulate them on their reconciliation process. This follows Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s characterization of the reconciliation as “bogus,” saying that Israel rejects a process “in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles at…