Waleldin at a protest for refugee rights at Tel-Aviv University (Photo: Danielle Shitrit)

Hate crimes against refugees in Israel go unabated

Hate crimes against asylum-seekers rarely receive media coverage or public attention in Israel, but they continue unabated and most of the perpetrators are never brought to justice. The victims are afraid of filing complaints with the police or feel that there is no point in doing so, and policemen at times belittle the victims. In…

A left wing protestor holds a sign saying in Hebrew “Racists are not welcome in the workers city (Haifa)” during a demonstration outside an election conference of Israel's right-wing “Yisrael Beiteinu” Party in the northern city of Haifa on 2009. About 100 Jewish and Arab activists protested against the racist agenda of “Yisrael Beiteinu” Party and against its leader Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Activestills.org)

Arab High Committee demands opening of criminal investigation against politicians for racial incitement

Mohamad Zeidan, Chairman of the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel, the highest political body of elected Arab representatives and leaders, in coordination with Adalah, sent an urgent letter to Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein and to the State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan, requesting that they take immediate and effective legal action against the wave…

Demonstration in Jerusalem against occupation, war and racism, on last week (Photo: Combatants for Peace)

Israeli-Palestinian demonstration in Jerusalem: Cease fire – enough missiles and bombs

An Israeli-Palestinian demonstration will be held tomorrow Thursday, July 17, at IDF Square in Jerusalem under the sign “Cease fire – enough missiles and bombs”.According to Combatants for Peace spokesperson “on the seam between East and West Jerusalem let us, Israelis and Palestinians, sound a common voice:Cease Fire!Last week Israel initiated another operation in Gaza.…