MK Ayman Odeh met with protesters outside his Haifa home, Friday, April 2, 2021.

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Return to Streets for First Time since Election

Dozens of anti-Netanyahu protesters from a number of organizations gathered on Friday, April 2, outside the homes of party heads Naftali Bennett, Gideon Sa’ar, Ayman Odeh and Benny Gantz calling on them not to form a government with far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The anti-Netanyahu protest groups also announced that they will be continuing to protest…

Arab-Druze citizens of Syria demonstrate against Israel’s occupation and annexation of the Golan Heights, Majdal Shams, Sunday, February 14, 2021.

Golan Height’s Arab-Druze Protest 39 Years since Israel’s Annexation

Arab-Druze citizens of Syria residing in the occupied Golan Heights commemorated on Sunday, February 14, the 39th anniversary of their general strike to protest the illegal occupation and unilateral annexation of that territory by Israel.  In Sunday’s demonstrations, hundreds took part in marches and rallies, carrying Syrian national flags, in the Arab-Druze town of Majdal…