The nuclear reactor at Dimona

Workers at Dimona Nuclear Plant Threaten Strike

Employees at the Dimona nuclear reactor announced sanctions and are threatening to escalate them to a full-fledged strike, Channel 2 reported on Monday, January 4. The reactor’s employee union, headed by Oded Dana, decided to stop work at the facility over unilateral steps taken by management against employees. The workers are protesting what they call…

MK Ayman Odeh, last week

Gov’t to Place Conditions on Aid Package for Arab National Minority

Channel 2 News reported Monday night, January 4, that in the wake of last Friday’s terror attack in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering withholding funds earmarked for Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel unless they accept new measures for “increased law enforcement.” According to the report, the prime minister instructed government ministers Ze’ev Elkin…

Dorit Rabinyan, author of the novel Gader Haya (Borderlife)

Education Ministry Bans Novel Depicting Arab-Jewish Love

Knesset members from Hadash expressed outrage on Wednesday evening, December 30, following reports that the Education Ministry has decided to disqualify a novel depicting a romance between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man from being taught in Israeli high schools. Dorit Rabinyan’s book Gader Haya (“Living Fence,” but published in its English translation under…

The demonstration last Saturday night, December 19, in front of the Likud headquarters in central Tel-Aviv

Thousands March in Tel Aviv against Right-Wing Provocations

3,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night, December 19, to protest right-wing provocations against human rights and peace activists. Organizers gave the protest the title: “Standing together against a government that incites instead of offering solutions; against the far-right’s attempts to silence and intimidate, from inside the government and from without.”…

Right-Wing Coalition Indifferent to Construction Accidents

Hadash MK Dov Khenin (Joint List) criticized the right-wing and neo-liberal governmental coalition during a meeting of the Knesset’s Labor and Welfare Committee devoted to construction accidents. According to MK Khenin, “The picture is terrible. There are more accidents, more fatal accidents, more injuries, and more irresponsibility. There is less information and less supervision. Some…

PM Netanyahu and American Nobel Energy CEO Charles Davidson

Economic Affairs Committee: Gas Deal Should Not Advance

A majority in the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee voted on Monday, December 14, against activating Article 52 – the contentious legal clause that would allow neo-liberal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to move forward to privatize the country’s natural gas reserves. Although the committee’s recommendations are not legally binding, and as economy minister, Netanyahu can choose…