Caricature of Lieberman swinging two government portfolios: his current position, Foreign Minister, to the right, and a non-specified government portfolio to the left.

Racist Lieberman Calls to Boycott Joint List

The chairman of Yisrael Beytenu, Avigdor Liberman, called Tuesday morning, March 24, for an official boycott of the Joint List by the government and Knesset. Speaking on Army Radio, the racist Lieberman called on all Zionist parties to “boycott the Joint List in the Knesset, and for no official body or government ministry to cooperate…

Netanyahu “Apologizes” for Racist Election Day Remarks; Joint List – “Not Enough!”

Following massive criticism over his racist, anti-Arab comments on election day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “apologized” Monday evening, March 23, for labeling high Arab voter turnout as a “threat” and saying Israel’s Arabs were coming out “in droves” to vote. “The rule of the right is in danger,” Netanyahu said at the time. However, the…

Netanyahu supported by settlers, Baruch Marzel and Daniella Weiss, leaders of the extreme-right (Photomontage: Peace Now)

Black Flag over Netanyahu’s Reelection

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “greatness” derives from how he has managed to break the Jewish Israeli public’s internal code, namely fear. In racist Europe, the fear threatening the Jewish minority was painfully justified in the face of innumerable pogroms, and above all, the shock of the Holocaust. Netanyahu has known how to use this fear…

Ayman Odeh: “Joint List” is the Democratic Alternative to the Nationalist Camp led by Netanyahu and Herzog & Livni’s Zionist Camp

The Arab-Jewish front Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) has been a small fixture in the Israeli parliament for years. It usually won four or five of the 120 Knesset seats in elections, providing a fig leaf to Israeli democratic claims without being able to influence either internal…

Saturday night's demonstration against racism at Zion Square, Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Protest against Racist “Lehava” Organization

Saturday night, December 13, hundreds of protesters gathered in Zion Square in West Jerusalem demanding the outlawing of “Lehava,” the rascist organization whose members are allegedly behind a recent arson attack on a Jewish-Arab bilingual school in the city. Lehava opposes “Jewish assimilation,” in particular interfaith marriages between Jews and Arabs. During the demonstration, the…

The Max Rayne Hand-in-Hand School in Jerusalem.

Arab-Jewish Bilingual School Set Ablaze in Jerusalem

Saturday night, November 30, the only bilingual school in Jerusalem for Arab and Jewish children was torched after, on its walls, were sprayed messages of hate: “Kahane was right!” “Death to Arabs!” “There is no coexistence with cancer!” One classroom, the kindergarten, was totally gutted by the blaze while another was partially consumed, as was…